Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Shear Genius

I'm posting twice today to make up for the most boring yesterday ever.
We read online that the show Shear Genius was going to be doing free hair cuts in Times Square tonight at 10pm. Ashley wanted to do it so we went with her. This was her on the sub-way pre-haircut:
This was her in Times Square when the nice man in a suit told her that the hair cutting expo had taken place at 10am:
When we were waiting on the subway platform to come home we were discussing the fact that Ashley has not seen a rat yet. I've seen many many rats now and as we were speaking of it, she grabbed Lexie and started to scream. Her very first rat (and then her very first second rat and very first third rat) was about three inches from her foot. Needless to say, her first experience with a rat was a little bit exciting and only created a few tears.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you were at the beach too. I mean, really bad. It's not the same. You can't even imagine how many times a day someone says they wish you were here.

