Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Oh, Hello Funny Man.

I just went to the Apple Store in SOHO to see a Get Smart pod cast taping/ press release with Anne Hathaway and Steve Carell!!! And guess who the moderator was! Steven Colbert!!!!!!

Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell were hysterical together! So funny!

Don't make fun of my pictures. There was no good opportunity to take one and we weren't supposed to be taking them in the first place. I could see them all fine while they were talking. I just couldn't get a good photo of them.

So here is what they are all supposed to look like:

And this is what my camera caught:

See Steve? He's the tiny half-face guy on the right.

See Anne? She's the one in the center who's about to hug a child.

See Stephen? I barely did either. He walked way too fast...

In other news today, I got my laundry done for the first time in three weeks. I dropped it off on the way to work and picked it up after work and it was all washed and folded and in a nice, cute, compact rectangle.
And we made Creme Brulee Brownies! They are fantastic!


  1. Jealousssss!!! All three in one room. Wow.

    I love how your clothes are folded and in a sweet little bag!

  2. how many people were there? I was under the impression that it was going to be some small, intimate thing...
