Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Long Time No Post.


Busy week this week.

No adventures to speak of since our amazing outing last weekend. Just read that post again and I promise you'll feel like you had a brand new New York adventure.

Bryan came back early!!! I love my little taco! (or crepe) (or manicotti for that matter, just like we're about to have for dinner!)

Mom sent me another package! Hooray for oatmeal! If you would have asked me last year, I would, one year from now, cheer for oatmeal, I would have said "No." But I've eaten it every day since I've been here. I can't find the only kind I like around here so my mom sends it by the box load! Thanks Mom!!! She even included some French goodies that their foreign exchange student brought over from France. They taste like girl scout cookies to me, but quite tasty!


  1. what?! she sent the french cookies?! I really liked those...

  2. Actually, he's clearly your little burrito.

    I'm Mexican, I'm an expert on these things.
