Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Pig

I really got a good laugh yesterday while I was running errands. I'm going to try to describe the dance I saw on the side of the road.

Shoulders in, elbows out, hands in fists. Now picture the arms swinging back and forth in front of a body in a kind of spastic rhythmic movement. Pause and Wave to traffic. Now back to the dance, bounce the hips and take an occasional step left or right. Put em all together and what have you got? Roaring Laughter from the inside of my car!

Who's got these sweet moves you ask?

I love that you can still see the movement in one of his arms from the dance!


  1. i wish i were there to experience this!!! is this piggly wiggly?

    Rae is as sweet as ever. I try telling her that she's going to be a big sister...she gives me kisses every time I tell her. We'll see if that changes once the baby gets here. She had a big day today...I'll blog about it later! She's such a sweet girl!!!! Karlee calls her, "Aw Rae, Rae!"

  2. I love it. I, however, would be the worst dancer-by-the-road person ever. I would not sell a thing.

  3. oh... yes! i would love a lamp! Really!

  4. You would not believe many trees are down! LARGE TREES! It is absolutely crazy. All around Mamaw's house and that area is just crushed! I couldn't believe it when I saw it.

  5. of course that would happen in Starkville.
