Thursday, March 21, 2013

Baby Gray

I had such a good time in Mississippi! I got to see my family and got to spend some sweet time with Lexie, Parker and baby Gray!

Howard did not know what to think!

There's no baby in there... Howard did his best to figure out what each new device was for. This one is quite clearly a chin rest.

Today is Lexie's birthday!! We've been friends for years and years and I love getting to watch what each new year brings in your life! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Farewell, Florida

Today was my last day in Florida... I'm sad to leave Danielle and the kiddos!

But I'm really glad to get to Mississippi to see family and meet sweet Gray!

While I was getting photos like this from Bryan:

I was seeing this:
Not drinking on the job... Danielle graciously sent me back to the pool for a little more sun soaking during nap time!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Lil and I went to a baseball game today at jetBlue park!
It was such a pretty day outside and surprisingly, Lily was totally fine at the game for most of it. I thought for sure we would only make it an inning or two. We made it through the 7th inning stretch (singing 'take me out to the ballgame' was her only goal for the game and we made it!)

the view from the green monster

she missed nap time to go to the game so she was worn out by the time we left at 4:15!

Baby Gray!

I'm an Aunt!!!
Well, kind of. My best friend had a baby yesterday, and I feel like I'm an aunt!
Congratulations to Lexie and Parker on the arrival of baby Gray! I'm so excited I could burst! I'm headed to Mississippi this weekend to meet him in person!