Saturday, February 9, 2013

Snowpocalypse: Nemo

We've made it through the worst of it. Everyone is in recovery mode; shoveling walks, digging out cars.
I've seen people cross country skiing, streaking, and snow ball fighting out the window so far. Oh and we saw a plow mow over a street sign then drive away

That first step's a real doozy.

We left the shovel inside the car and had to dig with our hands like mole people so that we could get the door open.

Once inside the car I felt a little like an avalanche victim.

We only got half way through before we realized it just wasn't happening today.

Bryan helped our landlord shovel the walk too.

I just watched.

It was like an apocalypse seeing everyone walking in the streets with no cars. There was a driving ban until this afternoon.

Like a rat in a maze...


  1. What a sight!!!Hot chocolate--here we come.
    Wait, what dod Bryan drink to warm back up


  2. Anonymous11.2.13

    Streakers? That sounds dangerous. Amy
