Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Unveiling

We have these friends, Nolan & Elizabeth, who decided to be roommates this year. Before they started moving they mentioned not having any art or anything to go on the walls so I said, "I should paint you. Then you'll have a big painting to go over your sofa!" 

So I did.

They posed against a brick wall one night after a movie in the correct pose and I basically photo-shopped in the clothes and background that I felt truly represented them. They had no idea what the painting would look like. 

They held an unveiling at their house last night and it went swimmingly!

Beforehand Nolan said he felt that it would be a cartoony characature of his dominant physical features. Elizabeth said she knew it would change her life forever but wasn't sure in what way...

(here it is hanging in the living room before the unveiling)

So Drum Roll Please...
As Laura begins to pull the curtain,
their nervous faces anxiously await what lies behind.
The curtain is lifted!!
And their nervousness dissipates into hysterical laughter!

So here it is:


  1. I love the dogs! This would fit right in at Versailles!

  2. hahahah This is awesome Ashley, and it really looks like them too! Great Job!
