Thursday, April 22, 2010

Signs of Life

Our garden has begun to grow!
Garlic. (We also did some gorilla gardening and planted garlic in another flower bed near the house... shhh... don't tell!)


Butter Leaf Lettuce

There was even the threat of snow last week and still the tiny plants seem unphased. I guess the funny gardener we spoke to was right about which things to plant early. Only a few more weeks and we'll be able to plant everything else!


  1. These pictures really make me want to go plant a garden! Way to go!

  2. so exciting! We're doing our first garden too, lots of fun to see growth. Next on the list.... chickens!

  3. I am jealous! How is it we have a huge yard and can't manage to grow a tomato plant and you have all kinds of stuff growing in a box?? You must've gotten all the green in our family's thumbs!
