We got together this morning to play tennis at the courts around the corner from our houses. I was really awesome, seeing as how today was the first day since my 5th grade lessons to play tennis. Actually I have to give mad props to Meredith who gave me tons of pointers and was really patient with me. She was even my partner in doubles twice! I had a lot of fun and got a little (lot) sun in the process!
I also met the most beautiful dog I've ever met. She's super calm, has gorgeous eyes and is really really friendly. Tallulah the Catahulla!We also went over to Meredith's house tonight to watch the MSU/LA Tech football game. Go State! (we lost, by the way) Bryan took Tallulah's seat and she starred at him like this for a few minutes before she got over it.
First...Bryan looks H-O-T with his shirt off playing tennis! He's so buff! Second...I will not be telling Rahab that you've found someone else. It will have to be our little secret. She's convinced that she's the most beautiful dog in the world...did I have something to do with that? Third...you guys stay safe away from Gustav! Fourth...tennis? Lauren would be so proud! Call you soon!