Saturday, September 22, 2012

An Army of Elmos

When Lily's mom sent me this picture from Bakerella:

to see if I could possibly recreate them for Lily's 2nd birthday party, I was a little nervous that they might accidentally turn out like this:

So with gathered supplies and the deepest breath, I tackled the Elmo Cake Pop.

Side note: I forgot how much I used to love Jelly Beans until yesterday! I may have eaten a few of Elmo's noses for lunch.
This is Elmo, pre-fur. 
And after fur! Not too bad eh?

Most of them turned out great! 
And then there was this one. Cuckoo!
Happy Weekend!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Every year there is an International Carnival Celebration Parade and it goes right down the street in front of our house. We have never actually seen it before today. And we'll never be able to un-see it, that's for sure.

For the most part, you couldn't help but move... everyone was dancing... the amount of speakers piled onto each truck was an amazing feat in itself... our whole house was vibrating... and for the other most part I just felt like a lot of people left home without their pants today. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Laura and I made the trip to Brimfield today!
We both had lists and measurements and goals and hopes and dreams etc., etc...
I don't think either of us left unhappy with our day. In fact, Laura says one of her purchases made her life. So if that kind of happiness is what you desire, by all means, join us for our next Brimfield adventure in the spring!
Laura picked up this kitchen cart, and two more sets of shelves that I didn't get photos of...

Owning this lounger was Laura's life-goal. And now she does!

We saw a legitimate strong-man.

And then Laura accidentally met him and told me that the front of his shirt was the same as the back and that she saw his nipples. Awesome.

 I got some fun items today!
A map puzzle. I love the colors!

A milk glass pastel blue cake stand.

Some art deco hound book ends.

And an assortment of plastic animals. I have big plans for these little guys. They'll be seen again soon in a different form.
Happy Saturday!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mainely Camping

We took to the 'woods' this weekend with our friends for Jim's 30th!
Gina (Jim's lovely fianceé) organized the whole weekend and everything was perfect!
Three or four cars of people drove up Friday and pitched tents near Amanda's family's shack.

Saturday we took turns ocean kayaking, hanging out in hammock city, napping, and trying to hit the pole in the water with a rock. We also walked to the general store in Owls Head, Maine for lunch and then on to the Owls Head Lighthouse.

On our way back from lunch we picked up lobsters from the dock for dinner!

And after yummy dinner we hung out around the fire drinking and smoresing it up while the full moon beamed down on the tides going in and out. Maine is beautiful, and we had the best time with friends this weekend!