Ok, so I don't have the swine flu thank goodness, but the fear of such was the main reason why I was outcast like a leper this weekend.I still don't feel well, but the doctor says it's not swine flu, it's not any kind of flu, and I'm not even going to die from it. It's just a common cold.
Now with that out of the way, lets talk birthdays. Mine to be exact!
I had a wonderful wonderful birthday thanks to my amazing husband! He took me to
Ten Tables (named for the fact that actually only ten tables fit into the restaurant) where we dined in low light on the chef's menu, every course of which was paired with an excellent wine. Isn't he fantastic?!
He also got me a Holga! No, no... not a Swedish masseuse, a
camera! A perfectly toy-esque plastic camera! I'm so excited. It shoots medium format film and can be modified to take any shape picture you want and is known for it's beautiful light leaks! I can't wait to shoot away!

I also received lots of money from family to go toward a bicycle, a gift card from Lex to H&M (who instructed me to get something cute to wear on my birthday which I (think I) did),

and some excellent slippers from my mom (to keep my toes warm when the winter begins to set in)!
You are all wonderful! Thank you for loving me!