Still can't figure it out?
I'll let you in. It's a new wallpaper... I just got it in and almost freaked out. If anyone wants this for their living room or kitchen just let me know. I can probably pull some strings for you!
Still can't figure it out?
I'll let you in. It's a new wallpaper... I just got it in and almost freaked out. If anyone wants this for their living room or kitchen just let me know. I can probably pull some strings for you!
This picture is hysterical! I don't regret this $1.99 purchase at all! Bryan has a lot of new things to look at when he gets home!
Speaking of getting home, he'll be back today! In a few hours as a matter of fact. Three weeks have come & gone and he'll finally be getting back today! This morning as I was getting ready & watching the Today Show all I hear is "Plane Crashes in Amsterdam---9 people killed... now on to other news..." I had a mini panic for a second then gathered everything & ran out the door to work. As soon as I got there I looked up all of Bryan's flight info from Amsterdam (where they flew out of early this morning) and all of the plane crash info. 1) the flight number did not match Praise the Lord! 2)the plane that crashed was coming into Amsterdam airport and I had already talked to Bryan from the Amsterdam airport so he obviously landed there safely. Whew! He's leaving Detroit right now headed for Home Sweet Home!
Ben had a broccolini and goat cheese omelet and Lexie had scrambled eggs and the most amazing grits I've ever put in my mouth. We also got blackberry sorbet with a pecan brittle on top.
We also went thrift store shopping and found some great finds! I'll photograph everything later for you to see.