The most work these attachments leave for me is simply cracking a few eggs.I love watching him do the hard part! (I like this picture because it looks like I have on MC Hammer pants. I don't... in case you were wondering.)
And eventually, voila! Absolutely delicious homemade pasta! I don't think there's a better tasting thing in the world.
If you would like to make your own pasta try this recipe: I bet you already have all the ingredients!
2.5 C flour 3 eggs 1Tbsp Veg. Oil 1 tsp salt
sift flour onto counter top into a mountain. crack three eggs into a well that you have made in the center of the flour. add veg oil and then salt. start mixing with your fingers in the center of the dough and eventually work in all of the flour. cover dough ball and let rest for an hour. roll out flat and thin. hang flat thin dough over a dowel or a broom handle or the back of a kitchen chair or something so gravity can help stretch it. Let it stretch for 30 min to an hour. Roll the flat thin piece of stretched dough into one long roll. (think cinnamon roll) and then cut that roll into thin strips. unroll the strips and toss in flour. Let dry for up to two hours. Cook for 2-3 minutes in boiling water!
That's what I think.