Happy Birthday AtoB Life Blog!!!!
Today you are 100 posts old and we all love you for it! Enjoy today, it's your day!
(Also 'thank you' to everyone to who reads about my adventures! I look forward to sharing my life with you every day!)
Lexie is much better today. We diagnosed her with food poisoning, and and a nice 12 hours worth of vomit later, she's fine. Also included in her bad day, was her phone divining off the bed into a cup of sprite, in which it drowned to death. RIP, Mr. Motorola. So we went to the Apple Store this morning to see about getting her an iPhone.

NYC is completely sold out of iPhones at the moment so she had to resort to a GoPhone from Kmart. hahaha. She'll get an iPhone in a couple of weeks when there are more in stock.
Today, we went to Little Italy for lunch

and a cannoli from Ferrara's!!!

This was one of the most delicious things I've ever eaten. Cannoli's and a nice red wine, could my mouth be any happier?

Here's Bryan and his afternoon tea. He's so sophisticated.
We also went to Chinatown to see what ripped-off fotter we could find... totally creepy when small Asian people whisper things in your ear like "Gucci, Juicy, Louis Vuitton, and Marc Jacobs" by the way.

I was really disturbed by this sign. "Sea World--- FRIED FISH" ?! Maybe they don't actually know what our Sea World is.