This is it! Our new apartment! So cute. Ours is the top right side of the house.
This is all of our stuff in the front yard before we moved it into the house. Notice the truck across the street... as we tried to turn it around it got stuck... By stuck, I don't mean in the dirt on in a ditch... The hitch on the back got wedged into the concrete and wouldn't budge. The wheels were just spinning out of control and wouldn't budge. We had to get a tow truck to come pull it out... Crazy!
By the time I got to my dad's house, this was the visibility level and bad omen #2.
That was really all of the bad news. I expected bad things but it was actually a really good weekend. We stopped by Bryan's parent's house on the way out to the party. (Aren't we cute?)
Bryan's mom made this tomato basil mozzarella pie. Doesn't it look good?! Don't worry. I checked it out. It was really delicious.
Bryan's mom and and Aunt Peggy and dad were all there and it was good to visit with them for a bit before we had to go to Flora. We have also firmly decided that there will be a girl's trip to New York to visit me sometime this summer! I say 'firmly decided' because if I don't say it that way, it may not come true!
Ok, so we finally made it to the party, had a few glasses of wine, met the new family (above is my dad's fiancee, Angie, and my dad) which includes two girls and a boy. I'm sure you have an image of small children. They're not. Brittany is going to be a senior in college next year, Brady is going to be a freshman in college next year, and Charlie is going to be a sophomore in high school next year. I guess it's different for me because I'm older and married and I will never actually have to live in the same house as them so it's not as weird as it could be. Angie's really nice, too, so that helps things.
Looks like the bad omens were just coincidences.
One more exciting bit! We got the keys to our new apartment in Bellhaven! We even got to drop off a few boxes! The place is so cute!
We get the keys to our new apartment this weekend! I'll also have pictures from there in a few days!!!
This was one of the most intriguing things in our cabin: a protruding, rusty, non-functioning 'can opener'--- It stuck off the wall about 6inches and could really have scalped someone. Lucky for me, I'm short!
My In-Laws! It took a few motivational speeches to get them both out on that log but they trusted that I had a good photo in mind!
Cousins! They really go crazy sometimes...
They reminded us before we left to bring our suits... This is the swimming area! Pretty appealing eh?
Just Kidding!!! Well, actually, that was the designated swimming area... but THIS was a water park. Look at all the children! They were having so much fun!One last thing... In case you forgot how great my husband is... here's a small reminder... He can walk on water (You're right, just like Jesus!)
You may not be able to read this... The pink line indicates our journey on foot. The 'x' on the far left shows the shoulder where we left the car. The top right pink 'x' shows where our house is. (and if you'll note the football stadium directly underneath the 'ABANDONED ARCHITECTURE BUILDING' you'll be able to get some sense of scale of this map.)
2.5 miles and 45 minutes of walking later we make it to the car that works, only to later find that we purchased Wal-Mart jumper cables for no good reason. The silver Camry wouldn't budge. We had to leave him on the side of the road until we could get a new battery this morning. Now he's fine. I guess. Finally made it home around 1:00am.
No hustle. No bustle. No fruit. No vegetables. No children strolling down the lane with bagguettes. No moms in summer dresses buying sunflowers and letting their littles ones taste sweet home made jam. I almost cried. We didn't even get out of the car.