Friday, October 21, 2011

Autumn, My Autumn

My favorite time of year! We are celebrating this evening with cocktails and seasonal delights at our house!

(source for 'autumn' sign above: Pinterest)

(Lily helped me gather pinecones this morning-- I love how my garland turned out)

There are a variety of nuts, cookies, pumpkin muffins, apple butter, and roasted pumpkin seeds from the pumpkins I carved last night!

Bryan is mixing up some delicious cocktails like the Sherwood Avenue, Bacon Infused Old Fashioned- Old Fashioned, Bohemian, De La Louisiane, French 75, and my current favorite: The Never Setter. And yes, he infused that bacon-bourbon himself!

Leaf & squirrel sugar cookies

(thanks for the acorn cookie idea, Pinterest)

I hope you are having a wonderful autumn evening as well!


  1. Yum! It's clear we need to visit again soon. :)

  2. Those acorns were seriously the best thing evar.

  3. I vote for the acorns too. No the garland is so clever and pretty. MaMa
