Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Awesome Autumn

 Cookies with Martha

 JP Lantern Parade

With the leftover apples from our picking adventures I made some APPLE BUTTER from the recipe out of the wonderful book that Tiffanie gave me last week.
 after coring, peeling, and quartering 8lbs of apples, they go in the oven for 2 hours.
 and they look and smell SO good when they come out!
 then they go into the blender or food processor (I totally wish I had a BIG food processor... and this blender is on it's last leg--- it was making a sound like an airplane taking off the whole time it was on tonight) with a few spices, lemon juice, and a bit of brown sugar.
And voila! The yummiest apple butter you ever did taste! 

1 comment:

  1. I hope for 8 lbs of apples you got more than 1 jar!
    Like David and Susan's juicer. A bag of apples
    For 1/4 cup of juice each!
