Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy 21+1 Katie!

Mason planned a surprise birthday party at Hunter & Elise's place for Katie last night and it was oh so fun! Katie was surprised for real, the food was fantastic, and it was great fun to hang out with friends in the grass all evening.
We prepared food... then we waited.
And as they walked up the drive we all crammed into a tiny corner.
We were going to sing "surprise" in harmony but when push came to shove and the excitement began, temporary confusion set in and everyone just screamed whatever they could think of at her... "Surprise!" "Happy Birthday!" "Happy Surprise!" "Birthday!" "Katie!" "Boo!"
(something weird happened to this photo!)

Then we feasted!
All the fresh veggies from Pop's house were soooo tasty! I wish I had a garden!

Finally we took to the outdoors where we could chat and lounge for hours and hours.
Mason & the communal jar of wine
Katie, Elise, Lauren, Dawn, Me


  1. Anonymous24.7.09

    Aww yay! Thanks so much for posting this!

  2. Hi Ashley, thanks so much for you curiosity. Sorry it took so long to get back to you, treading water over here a bit. Our church is going to be in the PCA. We won't have a mother church, but do have a core group that has been meeting over the last year or two in preparation for the church. In fact our first worship service is going to be in our house on Sunday so Nate's been super busy with all the details that entails. I would say a big theme of the church is hospitality. Just as God has welcomed us into his home (made strangers friends), we hope to do the same. So really, our hope is to reach the lost or those that might feel like strangers. We really don't want to take people from their churches, but are hoping to reach those that don't have a church yet, are still trying to figure things out, or just have a strong pull toward church planting. I didn't know you were in a new church. How has that gone for you? We already see that it is a big work set before us, but we know that He'll provide what we need. Thanks so much for caring enough to ask, and we covet any prayers, especially in these beginning days.


